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2009-02-23 [Aeolynn]: This limited to human's only?
2009-02-24 [Pnelma Tirian]: yes, Aeolynn. It's humans only...but no one said you have to play someone civilized.
2009-02-24 [Aeolynn]: :\ no special beasties?
2009-02-24 [Pnelma Tirian]: no. for once, this is not a fantasy roleplay. It is alternate reality genre.
2009-02-24 [Earoluim]: * looks around more *
2009-02-25 [Jeesum Crowe]: Where's Ponty?
2009-02-25 [Pnelma Tirian]: Somewhere in Cairo, I imagine.
2009-02-26 [Earoluim]: ok
2009-02-27 [Jeesum Crowe]: F-I-R-E-I-N-C-
2009-02-27 [PhoenixSilverDark]: I SEE THAT YOU COMMENTED 0.0
2009-02-27 [PhoenixSilverDark]: THIS IS AWKWARD. WHY ARE WE TYPING IN CAPS?
(don't hate me Pnelma)<3
2009-02-27 [PhoenixSilverDark]: <33333333333333
2009-02-27 [Nite_Owl]: I lol'd
2009-02-27 [Pnelma Tirian]: we are pleased by your reaction, Nite_Owl. Please. Continue.
2009-02-28 [Elwyne]: This is hilarious! Question please! Is this going to be where we start rping?
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: -waits-
2009-02-28 [Elwyne]: It's supposed to start today, I'm so excited! (dances around in seat)
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: I'm tempted to post but it's intimidating! XD
2009-02-28 [Elwyne]: yeah, I know how you feel... but I'll probably be going to sleep soon. It's almost computer curfew time for me. (house has a computer curfew, but I think I'm the only one who pays any attention to it)
2009-02-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Casey and I are drunk. And in funny clothing. And drunk. Omigod. Drunk. I love you all. All of you. Even the people who would never read this. Omigod. Amazing love is coursing through my system right now. Apparently, you humans call this beer. <3 <3
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: Awesome.
2009-02-28 [Pnelma Tirian]: One of the mods is drunk, so is one of the septet, and the GM is wildly distracted and quite apologetic because she was kidnapped by alien friends and dragged to houses to have Chinese food. WE ARE OFF AT A GREAT START, I THINK!
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: MAN, I feel like this is a brilliant start to this RP :D To set the mood, we're watching Treasure Planet in the background...a
2009-02-28 [Pnelma Tirian]: You see, good people?! PHOENIX here has the right IDEA. We should all follow her grand example. NOW WHY ARE WE NOT DRUNK YET. :D
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: I love Treasure Planet! XD
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: Ponty has to be the strangest name ever...
I keep reading it as "Pony"...
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: HEH. I've topped my evening off with a clove cigarette. I feel verrrrrrrrrrrr
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: I'm going to wait for the others to post before I do again. :P I'm just awesome like that.
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Where is everyone? It's like...the four of us...and no one else...Inside, I'm very emo because of this. VERY.
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: JC says: I concur. AKA, word. My African American Felloooooooooo
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: You drunken fool...they are probably sleeping or having real lives! XD But still... *is emo with you* Razor blade?
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: JC says: That's not cool, man. Some people would find that offensive. That could hit home, man. You should be a little more PC. And also post.
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: lol...what the hell can't be offensive?
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: JC: Puppies. Puppies never offend.
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: What about dead puppies?
2009-02-28 [Pnelma Tirian]: lol. SORRY GUYS THAT WAS TOTALLY A DUD POST. I suck. XD
yeah, we're just so badly timed, here. I think I might start a running synopsis at the top of the wiki-page every major rp night. Y'know what? I think that's a good idea! :D
2009-02-28 [Pnelma Tirian]: DUUUUUDE. it's like Pho and JC are the SAME PERSON.
Trippy, man.
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: JC: Dead puppies are not puppies. They are dead puppies. EAT LOGIC, BITCH.
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: HOT.
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: Well then wouldn't that also being saying that a spotted puppy isn't a puppy? It is a spotted puppy?
No. Spotted puppy = puppy
A dead is just a function of puppy.
Thus dead puppy = puppy.
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: JC: No no no no no no. Dead puppy= body of puppy without essence of puppy, essence of puppy is what makes puppy puppy. Body of puppy is just body, is just nature, is just ash, is just dirt, is just not puppy. Pho agrees.
When someone dies, and you look in their casket, you do not say "That is Bob," you say "That is Bob's body." Bob's body =/= Bob.
Dead puppy =/= puppy.
2009-02-28 [Pnelma Tirian]: I propose an algorithm built in memory of both Bob and puppy.
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: We concur.
2009-02-28 [Chel.]: Jeez... I'm going to bed XD
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: JC says: You suck. I may pass out soon.
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: WELL IF EVERYONE ELSE IT GOING TO DITCH (sorry, Pnelma, I guess that doesn't include you), then we COLLECTIVELY, withdraw for the evening :3
2009-02-28 [PhoenixSilverDark]: PS - I can't help it that Florence is a bitch. She just is. :3
2009-02-28 [Nite_Owl]: Er, why is it centered? :/
2009-02-28 [Jeesum Crowe]: Because it's cooler that way. Dude.
2009-03-01 [Pnelma Tirian]: I like it centered, actually. :)
2009-03-01 [Nite_Owl]: Can't think of a good place to enter Abe :)
2009-03-01 [Chel.]: DO IT NOW! *foams*
2009-03-01 [PhoenixSilverDark]: -appears next to Chel, also foaming- NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
2009-03-01 [Evolution X]: *seltsers you both* CALM! DOWN!
2009-03-01 [Earoluim]: Holy hell, uhm where are the character sheets ?
2009-03-01 [Trennas]: hi guys! wasnt anywhere near a computer this weekend so i have some catching up to do ^^
2009-03-01 [Pnelma Tirian]: You can see the character sheets at the Audacious Septet. :)
2009-03-01 [Jeesum Crowe]: RAWR. UPDATE. UPDATE. UPDATE. PLS.
2009-03-01 [Trennas]: who is actually present right now?:p
2009-03-01 [Trennas]: very quiet here this evening XD
2009-03-01 [PhoenixSilverDark]: JC & I ARE HIZERE!
2009-03-01 [Evolution X]: hi
2009-03-01 [Trennas]: yaaay! at least some people!:D
2009-03-01 [Pnelma Tirian]: I'm here! :D
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: and 5.. or 6? is a crowd? XD
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Who ARE we missing? Chel, El & Nite_owl?
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: crap.. how is it possible that sometimes we are editing the page at the same time? i just lost like loads of text -_-
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: If you take more than 10 minutes it takes away your edit so other people can steal it. Haha, bitch. Also, we are a little drunk again. Well. We're getting there. Haha!
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: was i typing that long? o.O didnt even seem like it.. but its good to know!
2009-03-02 [Evolution X]: it's the split second between someone else finishing editing and it not showing up; you click, their text hasn't showed up and it'd doomed from the start.
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: ah, that sucks too -_-
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Wha'eva, mon. Wha'eva. *jigs*
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: Wait....you guys wait until NOW to mention that the place is a mosquito? Ugh...
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: a mosquito? hardly :p
i kind of made that up on the fly really.. there was talk of a domed building :p
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: Idk wtf is happening...
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: that clarified it well :p
2009-03-02 [Trennas]: anyways, im going to bed i think, its approaching 2 am here and i have to get up early:p have fun!
2009-03-02 [Nite_Owl]: Yeah, you guys keep skipping around. This is getting problematic. I guess I'll just wait til later to post
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: It's a little confusing as to whom is where. If we are inside- then we would know nothing of the argument outside in the market, no?
2009-03-02 [Evolution X]: probably
2009-03-02 [Nite_Owl]: Yeah...which is why I've stopped trying to figure this out and I'll just wait til everyone is actually at the convention in the same place. On that note, where exactly is Douglas if he can see both inside and out?
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: even how Florence heard the argument in the marketplace? Huh?!
2009-03-02 [PhoenixSilverDark]: You can see both inside and out if you are either inside or out and there is a contraption commonly referred to as a window in your vicinity. IT'S MAGIC! :D
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: Well MY convention is clearly different then how YOURS is.
I'm just saying this because the convention wasn't completely described at all whatsoever.
The thing could be in a tent or it could be in a palace for what we know.
2009-03-02 [Evolution X]: I. DRINK. YOUR. MILKSHAKES!
2009-03-02 [Nite_Owl]: What's with the hyper-asshole treatment? :/ A simple answer without huge text and all caps would be a nice change
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: no kidding..
2009-03-02 [Evolution X]: the mosquito thing really needed that though... seriously .-.
2009-03-02 [Pnelma Tirian]: Woah, folks. Calm down, yeah? Stow those aether pistols, this is an intellectual convention!
2009-03-02 [Pnelma Tirian]: New RP protocol, folks!
1. Please bold the first mention of your character's name in your post.
2. < hr >'s will be posted for changes in location, e.g., from the marketplace to the convention.
3. I will be maintaining a synopsis of the rp at the top of the page in red; hopefully this should keep us folks who take a few days off or just aren't here for the sporadic postathons up-to-date, so no one falls on the wayside.
Thanks! :) I hope that clears a few things up.
2009-03-02 [Chel.]: *worships almighty pnel* I LOVE YOU
2009-03-02 [Evolution X]: We know that Chel... we know that.
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